hana joo
hana joo
who am i?
You've made it this far :)! Thank you so much for stopping by!
My name is Hana Joo, the Artslut.
I bang canvases & make art babies.
Calling myself a slut, in any shape or form is not easy. Now that I have your attention, let's go beyond the front page and welcome yourself to the first chapter: get to know the artist. My website will focus on art & blah-gs (me sharing my thoughts, blah blah blah-gging). This is my act of reclaiming the word "slut" (you'll see in my next projects). Let's try to raise sensitivity on everything in this world and give it a try to open all the books, instead of judging everything by its cover.
This is important.
To manage and control a mass and with our world full of information and resources... I know, it's impossible to learn about everything, and that is exactly why this is so important. The danger of being the product of convenience.